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Import Events

Govstack Events includes the ability to import large numbers of events using a .csv file.

To have access to import events, you will need to have the Calendar Administration or Administration role for the target calendar.

Import templates

To assist with importing events, Govstack Events creates a pre-formatted .csv file containing columns for all the required fields.

To download an import template:

  1. In the Govstack dashboard in the back office, select the Events section. This will take you to the Govstack Events “Home” page
  2. Select “Import Events” from the toolbar located near the top of the page
  3. Set the “Calendar” drop down to the target calendar
  4. Select the “Download Template (CSV)” button
  5. Your browser will inform you of the file download. The default file name is Template.csv

Please note

The import templates are unique to each calendar because they match the specific fields for the calendar. Make sure you have the correct template before filling in the import information or the import may generate errors that stop the process.

Example Import Template

Creating the import file

To add your event information to the import file:

  1. Rename the import template file downloaded in the above steps to reflect the content of your import. Use upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and dashes only. Do not alter the file extension (.csv)
  2. Open the file in a spreadsheet application, like Excel or Sheets
  3. Enter the data for each event, one event per row. For more information on the content and formatting of columns see the “Import File Formatting” section, below
  4. Save the file in a .csv file format. Be careful that your application does not replace the file format. The Import Events tool will only accept .csv files

We have provided an example import file to assist you.

Import file formatting

Import templates can vary from calendar to calendar. However, there are several columns that are standard for almost all import files. To assist, we have provided a list of these standard columns and their required formatting.

Content and Formatting


Content and Formatting


Start Date

MM.DD.YYYY followed by a space then the start time in 24 hr format

12.24.2023 13:00

End Date

MM.DD.YYYY followed by a space then the end time in 24 hr format

12.24.2023 14:00


An Events user email address. This user must have the Calendar Administration, or Administration role. See Configuration > Users for a list of options.


1 or 0. A 1 means that the event is pre-approved and will go directly to the public calendar. A 0 will place the event in the approval que for review.


Event Title

The event’s title. The application will accept any standard text string.

Accessibility Advisory Committee


Selected category from the target calendar. This must match the spelling and spacing of the existing category exactly.

Festivals and Events

Event Details

This text provides the details for the event. The application will accept any standard text string.

Learn about the mental health befits of knitting and yarn crafts.


Any address recognised by google maps, including unique place names for points of interest. 999 Example St., Toronto, ON, CA

455 Phillip St. Waterloo, ON, CA


The contact name. The application will accept any standard text string.

Accessibility and Inclusion Office

Phone Number

The contact phone number in the 555-555-5555 format. Do not place parentheses around the area code.



The contact email address.


The event website. Include the http:// or https://

Feature Image

The file name of the feature image, along with the folder if applicable. See “Adding Images and Attachments” below for more information.



The file name of the attachment, along with the folder if applicable. See “Adding Images and Attachments” below for more information.


Feature Event

If the event will be featured, enter Yes, otherwise leave this column blank. Not all calendars offer the option for featured events.


Adding images and attachments

To import events that include feature images and attachments you will need to upload a .zip containing your files along with the import .csv file.

We strongly recommend zipping files rather than folders. If folders are zipped, the import file will need to include the file structure of the zip. This can add additional complications to the process.

To create a .zip file on windows:

  1. Assemble all the files for import into a single folder
  2. Select all the files to be zipped
  3. Right click the selected files and select “Compress to ZIP File” (Windows 11) or “Send to” > “Compressed (zipped) folder” (Windows 10)
  4. This will create a zip file in your current folder with the name of one of the zipped files (usually the first or last file in the selection). You can rename the file using upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and dashes only

To create a .zip file on mac:

  1. Assemble all the files for import into a single folder
  2. Select all the files to be zipped
  3. Control-Click one of the files and select “Compress”
  4. This will create a file called You can rename the file using upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and dashes only

We have provided an example .zip file to assist you. This file corresponds to the example import file provided under the “Creating the Import File” section above.

Importing the events

Once you have created your import .csv file (and your optional .zip file), you can import your events:

  1. In the Govstack dashboard in the back office, select the Events section. This will take you to the Govstack Events “Home” page
  2. Select “Import Events” from the toolbar located near the top of the page
  3. Set the “Calendar” drop down to the target calendar
  4. Select the “Browse” button to the left of the “Upload Excel Document (CSV)” field and select your import file
  5. If you have attachments, select the “Browse” button to the left of the “Upload Attachments (ZIP)” field and select your .zip file
  6. Select the “Upload” button to begin the import process
  7. The Column Mapper will open. If you used the correct upload template, you shouldn’t need to make any changes. If any of the columns are misplaced, you may select the correct column title for the data from the available drop-down options
  8. Select the “Process” button to complete the import. A message will appear at the top of the page showing the number of events that were imported. If errors occur in the process, you will be provided with a list. Correct any errors or missing information and retry the import