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Add a Location Type

Location types in the Parks and Facilities module allow you to group your locations together. Visitors to your site can search based on location type to more easily locate relevant facilities. Location types include public spaces like beaches, parks, trails, pools, boat launches, and sports fields.

Add a location type

We provide an extensive list of pre-made entries for location types. However, we can't foresee all possible options so we have provided the ability to add your own location types. 

To add a location type in Parks and Facilities, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the Parks and Facilities back office by using the selector at the top left of the ribbon, or by selecting the tile on your dashboard
  2. Select the 'Location Types' tab at the top of the interface
  3. Select the 'Add' button found in the upper right
  4. Enter a name for your facility type in the field provided
  5. Select if your location type will be active by using the dropdown menu in the second column
  6. The system default and count columns cannot be edited
  7. Choose the save icon at the left of the row to complete the process

Your location type will now be available when adding new locations.

Activate or deactivate a location type

Not all location types may be relevant to your organization. If you do not need a location type or it does not apply to your entries you can deactivate it.

To deactivate a location type:

  1. Navigate to the Parks and Facilities back office by using the selector at the top left of the ribbon, or by selecting the tile on your dashboard
  2. Select the 'Location Types' tab at the top of the interface
  3. Use the search field to find the specific location type you want to deactivate from the list 
  4. Click the slide in the 'Active' column to set the state of the location type. Location types are active when the slider is blue and the indicator is on the right. Location types are inactive when the slider is grey and the indicator is on the left

Inactive types

Inactive types (location types, activities, amenities, and features) are still available when creating new locations. These inactive types will not appear on the public facing search. However, associated locations are still present in the public list of locations. These locations can still be found using location, activities, or amenities-based searches if any active types are applied.

Delete a location type

If a location type becomes obsolete or is replaced by a different option you may need to delete it.

To delete a location type:

  1. Navigate to the Parks and Facilities back office by using the selector at the top left of the ribbon, or by selecting the tile on your dashboard
  2. Select the 'Location Types' tab at the top of the interface
  3. Use the search field to find the specific location type you want to delete from the list 
  4. Verify that there are no locations assigned to this location type. If there are any locations currently assigned to the location type, the count column will show how many. These will have to be moved to another location type before you can proceed with deleting
  5. Once the location type is no longer associated with any locations (count equals 0), a delete button will appear to the right of the row
  6. Select the delete icon to proceed
  7. A pop-up box will open. Click 'OK' to confirm and complete the process

Add a facility type

The Parks and Facilities module does not currently support adding facility types.