Learning Centre
Gaining Sitemap Approval
We recommend using the sitemap as an opportunity to engage with internal subject matter experts (SMEs) and department heads in your organization to gain buy-in surrounding your new website redevelopment project. Reaching out to internal stakeholders will also help make sure that all programs and services are available through the new website.
Here are some tips you can follow to engage with your internal teams and gain sitemap approval:
- Provide them with the sitemapping best practices
- Ask for their input early in the sitemapping process (what programs/services are they responsible for?)
- Present the new sitemap and explain the rationale for changes (i.e., moving to a more service focused website organization from a departmental structure)
- Gain data and insights about navigating with the new sitemap by performing a Treejack Test
- Hold a sitemap focus group to engage staff and the community
Need help?
We offer a variety of options to engage with your internal SMEs and the public to gain buy-in about the new website project. Contact your Account Executive or Implementation Specialist to learn more about our public engagement services including sitemap focus groups and Treejack tests.
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