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Learning Centre

Email Templates

You can customize the emails that are sent to users from Citizen Portal. There are three types of emails you can customize:

  1. Verification email, which is sent to users when they first sign up for Citizen Portal
  2. Password reset email, which is sent to users if they request to reset their password
  3. Notification email, which is sent to users if a change is made to a widget on their dashboard. Users can register for notifications for specific widgets from their widget and notification settings

Setup instructions

In the administrator side of Citizen Portal, select the “Settings” tab from the top menu. Once you have opened the “Settings” tab, select the “Email” tab. Then, you need to:

  1. Select the type of email you want to edit from the "Email type" dropdown
  2. In the “Display Name” field, enter the senders name you wish to appear on the email sent to users
  3. In the “Display email” field, enter the email address you wish to appear on the email sent to users
  4. In the “Display subject line” field, enter the subject line you wish to appear on the email sent to users
  5. In the template field, edit the text you would like to appear in the body of the email.
  6. Select “Save” to save your changes

Curly bracket {} placeholders

For each email template, some words may be in curly {} brackets. These are called placeholders and should not be removed from the templates. All other text can be changed and updated.