Select the “Edit Question Details” button next to the question you want to edit. This will take you to the “Update Question” page. You can make any necessary changes to the question then select the “Save” button located at the bottom of the page.
Learning Centre
Create and Edit Forms
Create and edit online forms using Govstack Forms. To access Govstack Forms, select the "Forms" option from the Govstack dashboard in the back office.
Please note:
- New forms will automatically include two pages. The first page is a standard question page and the last page is a “locked” page that includes a thank you message users will receive after they complete a form
- You can add pages to the form as necessary
- You should add your form to the appropriate folder in Govstack Forms
Add a form
To create a new form from the main “List” tab in Govstack Forms:
- Select the “Add Form” button located above the list of forms
- In the “Display Name” field, enter a name for the form (this will be included in the URL address for the form)
- Click the “Save” button located at the bottom to create a new form
Copy a form
Learn how to copy an existing form when adding a form to Govstack Forms. This can help you save time if you are creating a similar form to one that you've already created.
Add questions
Once you've created a new form, you will be taken to the first page of the form under the “Design” tab located on the form toolbar. Here you can add an introductory message before adding questions to the form.
To add a question:
- Select the “+ Add Question” button located at the top or bottom of the page
- From the “Display on Page” dropdown menu, select the page number that you'd like this question to appear on
- From the “Display After Question” dropdown list, select the question you'd like this question to appear after
- Select the type of question from the “Question Type” dropdown menu
Click the “Save” button or the “+ Save and Add Next Question” button if you are satisfied with the question. Select the “Reset” button if you no longer want to add the question.
If you select the “Save” button, you will be taken to the form page that the question was added to.
If you select the “+ Save and Add Next Question” button, you will be taken to the “Add Question” screen where you can create a new question.
Do not use the “+ Save and Add Next Question” button when working with multiple choice questions.
You can also add a question from the “Design” page. Select the “Add Question After…” button located next to the question that you'd like to add a question after.
Edit questions and answers
From the form “Design” tab, you can add questions, edit questions, edit answers, copy questions and delete questions from the form.
Depending on the question type you select, you may need to add answer options to the form. Select the “Edit Question Answers” button next to the question you'd like to edit.
From the “Update Question” screen, you may be able to:
- Select from a list of commonly used answers to the question
- Click the “+ Add Answer” button to add an answer
- Click the “+ Add Multiple Answers” button to add a multiple answer option to the question
Once you've selected the appropriate option, you'll want to complete the required answer field options and then select the “Save” button in order to confirm your changes.
Select the “Copy Question” button next to the question you want to copy. This will create an exact copy of the selected question. You can then edit the question or the answers if you'd like to make some changes.
To delete a question, select the “Delete Question” button located next to the question you want to delete. This will take you to a delete confirmation screen. Select the “Continue” button if you'd like to delete the question. Select the “Cancel” button if you no longer want to delete the question.
Set up form conditions
Learn how to set up form conditions. Conditions allow you to control the questions and pages that will appear on a form. For example, you can choose to hide or show certain questions and pages based on the responses to previous questions.
Preview and launch a form
After you've created a form, you can preview and launch the form to your live website.
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