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Question and Page Conditions

Setting up page and question conditions allows you to control the questions and pages that appear on your form based on the answers to previous questions. By creating simple if/then statements (or conditions), you can create complex sequences of events that must be completed for a page or question to appear.

Enable page conditions

When you add conditions to a page, you can control whether respondents are able to see that page based on their responses to previous questions. Adding a page condition is helpful when you have entire pages of questions that are only relevant based on specific circumstances.

You can't add page conditions to the first page in your form. You can add conditions to the second page and all subsequent pages.

To add conditions to a page:

  1. Locate the page you want to add conditions to
  2. Click the “Page Condition(s)” button located in the toolbar near the top of the page
  3. Select the “Yes” checkbox to enable page conditions

Add question conditions

When you add conditions to a question, you can control whether respondents are able to see a question based on their responses to previous questions. Adding a question condition is helpful if you have single questions that are only relevant based on specific circumstances.

To add conditions to a question:

  1. Access the appropriate form and locate the question you want to apply conditions to
  2. Click the “Edit Question Details” button next to the question
  3. Click the “Question Conditions” button located in the vertical menu on the left side of the screen
  4. Select the “Yes” checkbox to enable page conditions

Apply conditions

Whether you are creating page or question conditions, you need to complete the following fields after you enable the conditions.

Use the “Select a Question” dropdown menu to select the question that is the basis for your condition. All questions may not appear in the dropdown menu. This is because conditional comparisons are only available for multiple choice questions (i.e., checkbox, dropdown and radio button lists) and text fields validated as numbers.

Use the comparison or “Equal To” field to determine how the selected question's answer will be evaluated.

Available comparisons include:

  • Equal To
  • Not Equal To
  • No Answer
  • Greater Than
  • Greater Than or Equal
  • Less Than
  • Less Than or Equal

The default option is “Equal To.”

From the “Select a Value” dropdown menu, select the answer to the question that creates the desired condition.

For example, if you selected “Choose a permit” as the conditional question and “Equal To” as the comparison, you would select the “Burn Permit” value if you are creating a page that is only relevant to respondents applying for a burn permit.

Multiple conditions

To add multiple conditions, click the “Plus” icon to the right of the condition. When creating multiple conditions, you will be asked to specify whether the conditions are “and” or “or” conditions. This lets you create conditions that can evaluate multiple answer or values to determine whether a page or question appears.

Condition groups

To add condition groups, click the “Plus” icon to the right of the condition. If you are mixing “and” and “or” conditions, we recommend that you use condition groups to separate the two varieties.

Condition groups allow you to specify the order to evaluate multiple conditions. For example, conditions in a group are evaluated as a unit and those outside of the group are evaluated individually.