Learning Centre
Generate a PDF Form
Govstack Forms includes the ability to generate fillable PDFs and printable forms. Each question type provides the option to have the question appear online, in print only, or both. When you are adding questions for each question type, you can select how to show each question.
Download a printable form
To locate and download the printable/fillable version of a form:
- Navigate to the specific form in Govstack Forms
- Select the “Launch” tab from the toolbar located at the top of the form
- Click the “Print to PDF” button and the printable version of the form will open in a new browser tab
- Save the printable version to your local drive or network
Please note that the PDF automatically generated by Govstack Forms is not automatically accessible but you can make the PDF accessible with manual tagging and reading order checks. To perform these functions, you'll need to use Adobe Acrobat.
All web-based forms are accessible and meet accessibility requirements.
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