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Message Options

You can set up custom message options for each form that you create in Govstack Forms.

Locate message options

To access and edit the message options, select the appropriate form then choose the “Options” tab from the toolbar located at the top of the page. Once on the “Options” page, select “Message Options” from the vertical menu located on the left side of the page.

Edit message options

In order to edit different message options, select the message you want to edit from the “Name” dropdown menu located at the top of the “Message Options” page. Update the text in the “Message” field and select the “Save” button to change the message.

Review each of the message options.

The “Form – Not Available” message appears if the form is not currently open to the public.

The “Form – Response Limit” message appears if the form has reached its maximum number of responses.

The “Form – Closed” message appears if the form has reached its closing date.

The “Form – Single Response” message is shown if a respondent has already completed a form that allows only one response per person.

The “Payment – Credit Card Declined” message will display if a credit card is declined during an ecommerce transaction.

The “Form – Top” message will appear at the top of each page in the form.

The “Form – Bottom” message will appear at the bottom of each page in the form.

The “Form – Saved Response” message will appear when a respondent successfully saves their form.

The “Form – Saved Response Emailed” message will appear when a respondent successfully saves their form and selects the option to have the save link emailed to them.

The “Form – Resume Saved Response” message will appear when a respondent resumes work on a form that had been previously saved.