Learning Centre
User groups allow you to grant access to a large number of users all at once rather than having to set up permissions and access on an individual basis. Once you create a user group, you'll need to set up the permission level for the group for each form.
Accessing users
- In Govstack Forms, select the “Users” tab from the toolbar located near the top of the page
- This will take you to the “Users” page.
Create user groups
You need to add a user to Govstack Forms before you can add the user to a user group.
From the “Users” page, select “User Groups” from the vertical menu on the left side of the page.
To add a user group:
- Click the “+ Add User Group” button
- In the “Name” field, enter the name of the new user group
- Select the checkbox next to the name of each “Member” you want to add to the group
- Click the “Save” button to complete the process
Modifying user groups
To change the name, add or remove users in a group, you need to navigate to the “User Groups” page.
From the “User Groups” page:
- Use the “Keywords” field to locate the appropriate user group
- Click the “Update User Group” button next to the user group you want to modify
- Add or remove users by checking or unchecking the appropriate checkbox
- Click the “Save” button to complete the process
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