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Learning Centre

Staff Only Questions

The staff only/administrative page is not public facing and allows staff to complete internal information about the form's response, such as who received the information, the date of review, additional internal comments, etc.

Customize the administrative page

To edit the staff only/administrative page, follow these steps:

  1. Select the form that has administrative pages added
  2. This will open the "Design" section of the form. From here, select the page number dropdown menu located near the top of the form
  3. Choose the last page in the form that is labelled "Administrative Page"

Once on the "Administrative Page," you can add questions to the form based on your particular needs or make edits to the existing questions or responses. These questions will be completed by staff in the "Responses" tab after the public has submitted an application. 

View responses and complete the administrative questions

You can view public responses to the staff only/administrative page by selecting the "Responses" tab from the top menu in the form. This will take you to the "Responses" page where you can view and download individual responses. 

From here, you need to:

  1. Select "View individual responses" from the menu 
  2. This will take you to a page with each individual form response.
  3. Find the response you would like to review or process from the list and select the "View response" icon.
  4. Scroll down to the section labelled "Staff-only Questions"
  5. Complete all applicable staff questions for the response
  6. Select the "Save" button to complete the process

To add administrative question capabilities to your Forms instance, contact your GHD Digital Account Executive. Learn how to add a staff only question page.