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Tokens allow you to reference data generated by your form as part of questions, emails, options, and messages. Tokens can also be pulled to populate PDF forms as part of email options.

All tokens are formatted with a pair of hashtags on either side of the token name. For example, the ##ANSWERS## token displays a list of all questions and the answers captured by the form.

Using Tokens

Tokens can be used in almost any text entry area when designing your form. Common uses include pulling information for calculation questions, reminding users of previous responses, or adding additional information in outgoing emails.

Enter a token in a field when designing your form and it will display its contents to form users. For example, adding the ##NAME## token to the subject line of an outgoing email will display the form’s name.

You can use multiple tokens in a single field, but they must be separated by a character or space.


You can use tokens in almost any input field when building your forms, however, they do have several limitations.

When creating new questions, tokens cannot be used in the question text field. Tokens will also fail if entered as an option in a multiple-choice question. They can be added as part of the text in a presentation question.

Adding or moving questions in your form will cause the numbered tokens for answers to shift. Complete and finalise the design and question order for your form before setting up any token references that target answer tokens.

Do not use tokens on the same page as the question that generates them. For example, if you capture values for use in a calculation question on page one, the calculation question itself should appear on the second or subsequent pages. This prevents page updates from interfering with the function of your form.

How to Find Tokens

A full list of tokens can be found in several locations throughout the application. At the bottom of each email option there is a “View Available Token” button that will open a list of tokens in a new browser tab. If your form has ecommerce, you can find a similar button at the bottom of each payment option. Presentation and calculation fields also have a button that will open a full list of tokens.

List of Tokens

The list of available tokens will vary from form to form. The use of ecommerce, workflows, and various questions can have an impact on the list.

This list does not include the tokens that are automatically generated for form question. Each entry will add a question numbered token (e.g. ##Q1##, ##Q2##) and an answer token (e.g. ##A1##, ##A2##). Remember that altering the order or number of questions on a form will alter the numbering for the tokens.

List of Tokens

Display the answers to all questions ##ANSWERS##

Display the date the response was completed ##COMPLETED##

Display the short date the response was completed ##COMPLETED_SHORT##

Display the date the response was started ##STARTED##

Display the short date the response was started ##STARTED_SHORT##

Display the score calculated by answers to all weighted questions ##SCORE##

Display the name of the form ##NAME##

Display the document number of the form ##DOCUMENTNUMBER##

Display the unique identifier that represents the response ##RESPONSEID##

Display the automatically generated response reference number ##REFERENCENUMBER##

Display the URL to download an editable PDF copy of the response ##RESPONSEPDF##

Display the URL to download a PDF copy of the response ##RESPONSEPDFLOCKED##

Display the URL to view the response as an administrator after submission ##RESPONSEURL##

Display the order number for the payment ##ORDERNUMBER##

Display the order summary table ##ORDER##

Display the order subtotal ##SUBTOTAL##

Display the order taxes (if applicable) ##TAXES##

Display the order total ##TOTAL##

Display the credit card type used for payment ##CREDITCARDTYPE##

Display the name on the credit card used for payment ##NAMEONCREDITCARD##

Display the user browser agent ##USERBROWSER##

Display the user IP address ##USERIPADDRESS##

Display the date the workflow response was submitted ##WORKFLOWSUBMITTED##

Display the short date the workflow response was submitted ##WORKFLOWSUBMITTED_SHORT##

Display the automatically generated workflow response reference number ##WORKFLOWREFERENCENUMBER##