Select a folder to limit the files shown to only those within the selected folder and any subfolders.
If a folder is not selected all pages in the 'Media Pages' folder will be displayed.
Learning Centre
You can imbed a Media Manager listing directly onto any content page in Govstack. This allows site users to search, sort, and view media pages and their associated documents.
You can see an interactive example of the media manger listing on our demonstration website.
Before you add a Media Manager listing make sure you have set up your categories, meta information, and media pages. You can add more options later, but it's easier if these are available during the setup process.
To add a Media Manager listing to a page, follow these steps:
Next, you can customize the content and display options for the listing.
Media Manager is a paid add-on in the Govstack back office and may not be available on your website. You will still see the 'Media Manager Listing' component even if you don't have Media Manager. If you'd like to get access to this great tool, please reach out to your Account Manager or Implementation Specialist.
You can customize the content and appearance of the Media Manager listing by completing the following content options.
Select a folder to limit the files shown to only those within the selected folder and any subfolders.
If a folder is not selected all pages in the 'Media Pages' folder will be displayed.
Select one or more categories. This will limit the files shown to only those that match at least one of the selected categories. Only these categories will be available in the search filter.
If no categories are selected, then all available categories will be displayed in the search drop down, even if no media pages related to these categories are present.
Select the specific meta information fields to include in the search filter. If no fields are selected, all meta information fields will be available for filtering.
You can adjust the look and layout of your Media Manager listing through the settings tab. To access the settings, select the 'Settings' tab located at the top of the 'Media Manager Listing' slide-out panel.
Review each of the Media Manager listing settings to learn more.
Choose how the file list will be displayed. The options are Grid View or Table View.
Set the number of items to display per row in the Grid View layout. You can select between one and four items per row.
This defines how images will be cropped in the Grid View when a Summary Image is used to represent the file. If no image is provided under summary, a generic file icon will be displayed.
If you select 'Original', then your images will appear with their original ratios on the page. Keep in mind that different images may have different ratios, so your listing may display images of different shapes if you select this option.
If you select one of the ratio options, then all the images in the listing will display in that ratio. The first number in each ratio represents the width while the second number represents the height. For example, a 2:1 image would be twice as wide as it is high.
If your image is cropped oddly or doesn't look the way you want it to after adjusting the image crop, you may need to change its focal point so that it crops properly when changing the image ratio. Learn how to change the focal point of an image in your listing in the 'Media' tab in the Govstack main menu.
Hide search and filter options
Enable this option to hide the search and filter tools. Only the file listing grid or table will be visible when enabled.
Enter custom text to replace the default 'Search' placeholder text in the search bar.
Change the color of the buttons, including the search, download, and view file buttons.
The available options are set at the site level and can be changed in the Design node. Depending on your Govstack plan, you may not have access to the Design node. If you'd like to access the Design node, please contact your Account Executive or Implementation Specialist.
Enable this option to hide the Categories column in the table view.
Add meta information fields as table columns. These will appear as headings in the table, in the order you arrange them.
Enable this option to hide the Date Created column in the table view.
Enable this option to hide the Date Modified column in the table view.
Enable this option to hide the File Type column in the table view.
Enable this option to hide the File Size column in the table view.
Enable this option to hide the Download and View link column in the table view.
You can customize the content colours of the component using the colours that are part of your website design. Depending on your website design, you can add a coloured background behind the component to create a hot spot on the page.
The colour options are based on the design of your website. You may be able to change the design colours depending on your Govstack plan. To get access to the website design features, speak with your GHD Digital Account Executive.
If you'd like, you can add an image to the background of your component. To do this, you need to:
Background images ignore the focal point and cropping information added to your image in the media tab. Instead they use the settings provided under "Background image options".
Adding an image behind text can cause colour contrast issues for users with low vision or colour blindness. You should only add an image behind text if it meets the colour contrast ratio requirements associated with accessibility legislation in your region.
Background images do not use alternative text and are not called out for those using screen readers. Make sure that background images do not contain information critical to understanding the meaning or context of your content.
You can also set a few options for a background image, including the placement of the image, size of the image and whether or not the image repeats.
These settings replace the cropping and sizing settings added in the media section image editor.
Cover - The image will stretch to fill the available space. This is the most popular option for a single image background.
Full-Width - The image stretches to fill the full width of the available space. Depending on the characteristics of the image this may result in gaps at the top and bottom of the component.
Auto - The image displays at it's actual size. This may leave gaps around the edges of your component.
Repeat - The background image with tile vertically and horizontally. Use a smaller image or a tiling image for best results.
Repeat Horizontal - Repeat the background image tiles in a single row.
Repeat Vertical - Repeat the background image tiles in a single column.
This setting replaces the focal point setting added in the media section image editor.
Select the origin point of your background image. The image will fill the space behind your component starting from the selected point. You may need to experiment to find the best contrast and focal point position for each image.
This setting only applies if you are using a page with a 'Full' page layout. Typically, full page layouts are reserved for the home page of your website or any landing pages you've created.
You can add animation to the component by selecting the 'Animate' toggle. Once the 'Animate' toggle is selected, you'll have the option to customize the:
From the 'Animation style' dropdown menu, select the type of animation you'd like to add to the component. There are a variety of different animation options in the following categories:
We recommend testing out a variety of animation styles to select the one you like the most.
Animation styles can cause accessibility issues for some users visiting your website. For example, some users may experience motion sickness when viewing animated elements on your website.
Using the 'Animation delay' slider, select the time in seconds that you'd like to delay the animation.
Animation delay can cause accessibility issues for some users visiting your website. Certain animation styles and delays can combine to make your animated component invisible to screen readers. Please test your animations to make sure they are accessible.
You can select how long you'd like the animation to last on the component by using the 'Animation duration' slider. Select the number of seconds you'd like the animation to continue on the public website.
Review the advanced component settings.
In the 'Name' field you can give a unique name to the component. This will make it easier to differentiate between components, both on your page as well as in your clipboard.
You can create an anchor link that will link a user directly to the top of this component.
When linking to this page add the anchor to the "Anchor / querystring" field in the "Select link" dialogue box. The link will then jump to the top of the target component rather than to the top of the page.
Note that anchor names are case sensitive. For best results use lowercase characters, numbers, and dashes only. Avoid spaces and special characters.
In the 'Custom classes' field, you can add any custom CSS classes you may have. Custom CSS classes can be found in the Design node under the 'CSS' tab in the backend of Govstack.
If you'd like to add more than one custom class, you'll need to leave a space between each class.
Depending on your Govstack plan, you may not be able to access the Design node in the backend. If you'd like to be able to add custom CSS and get access to the website design, contact your GHD Digital Account Executive.
We cannot guarantee that future updates to Govstack will not break or negatively impact custom CSS.
You can select additional styles to the component, including:
You can remove the spacing around the component by selecting one of the following options:
You can customize the visibility of the component. Select one of the following options:
Select one of the following options if you'd like to customize the design of the component:
Turn on the 'Hide from website' toggle if you'd like to hide this component from the web page.
Once you've added a Media Manager listing to your page, make sure to preview and publish the page to complete the process.
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