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Branding Your Website

Are you looking to add your organizational branding to your Govstack website? We can help! Learn all the tips, tricks and best practices for using the Govstack Design node. You will only have access to the Design node before your GoLive unless you have Govstack Premium. 

Please contact your Govstack Account Executive to upgrade to Govstack Premium and get permanent access to the Design node.

Logos and favicons

Before you add a logo or favicon to your website, you'll need to prepare the file to ensure it is the proper format and size. You will also need to upload the files to Govstack and ensure the Logo size and padding is correct.

File Formats

When creating a logo file, please save the logo in a PNG or SVG format. We recommend using an SVG if the logo is a true vector file. This will improve scalability and resolution independence.

Cropping and background

Ensure there is no padding around the logo. The logo should be as closely cropped as possible. Always use a transparent background.

Design considerations

A favicon is typically derived from the icon part of a logo. Avoid using the entire logo, as it won’t appear clear at the small size of 16x16 pixels.

Generating a favicon

To generate a favicon, we recommend following these best practices:

  • Create a square sized artboard/canvas with a minimum size of 310px by 310px.
  • Favicon width or height, whichever is larger, should be sized just slightly smaller than the artboard/canvas and added to the centre of the artboard/canvas. Ensure the aspect ratio of the favicon is maintained when resizing.
  • Save the favicon as a JPG, PNG or SVG format.

SVG is the preferred format if the favicon is a true vector file for scalability and resolution independence.

To upload your logo and favicon to Govstack, you need to navigate to the “logo” tab in the design node. Then, upload the prepared logo and favicon files.

Always make sure your logo and favicon have alternate text assigned to them by clicking on the edit button or by navigating to the media tab and accessing the image through the folder structure.

Logo size can be managed by adjusting the height of the logo. For most header layouts, the logo height will be determined by subtracting the logo top and bottom padding from the header height for both small and large device sizes.

For header layouts #5, #9 and #18, the logo height will be determined by subtracting the logo top and bottom padding from half the header height for large device sizes.

To adjust the header height, navigate to the header section under the spacing tab in the design node of CMS. Update the Small Height and Large Height as needed.

To adjust the logo padding, navigate to the logo section under the spacing tab in the design node of CMS. Update the Logo Padding (Small Header) and Logo Padding (Large Header) as needed.

Managing website colours

To adjust the colours used throughout your Govstack website, you need to access the colour settings which are located in the "colours" tab of the design node.

There are five sections within the colour tab. Review each section to learn more. 

You can use the colour palette to create a custom colour palette for your design. These colours will be available in the colour picker for easy selection.

This section is optional.

This is where you choose the overall colours for your website, including:

  • Body
  • Header
  • Logo (only used if your website employs an html logo instead of a file logo)
  • Main navigation
  • Secondary navigation
  • Navigation dropdowns
  • Content
  • Buttons (this is the default button colour and typically uses the primary brand colour)
  • Footer

For the content colours, this area will be used as the default colour scheme for components with the colour styles for:

  • Background
  • Heading
  • Secondary Heading
  • Text
  • Link
  • Link hover
  • Border
  • Highlight background
  • Highlight text

Always make sure that the highlight background and highlight text pass colour contrast requirements.

Here, you can choose colour combinations for additional content elements. This includes defining colours for:

  • Background
  • Headings
  • Text
  • Links

You can add as many combinations as needed, but ensure you maintain the following order for background colours:

  • C1 – Primary Brand Colour with White Text
  • C2 – Black
  • C3 – Light Grey
  • C4 – Tint or Shade of the Primary Brand Colour
  • C5 + Any Additional Colours

Try to limit the number of options so the brand does not become diluted.

You can create a variety of button colour combinations for calls to action across your website. Add as many combinations as desired, but ensure you maintain the following order:

  • C1-btn – Secondary Button
  • C2-btn – Light Button
  • C3-btn – Dark Button
  • C4-btn – White Button
  • C4-btn+ – Any additional colours

This section can be ignored as these colours are used for products within the Shop pages.

Pro tip: Choose your colours first

It is important that content and button colours are set up correctly before content is populated on the site. Any changes to colours after content population may result in changes to the intended design. If changes need to be made after content population, it is important to note that deleting a content colour or button colour will result in a change of class name for the colours appearing after the deleted colour in the list. It is better to replace a colour instead of deleting a colour to ensure other colours are not affected. 

For example, if the order of your additional content colours is as follows:

  • C1 - Brand 1
  • C2 - Black
  • C3- Light grey
  • C4 - Shade brand 1

If you delete C2 (black) and C2 was used on all your pages for the banner overlay, your banner overlay will now be light grey because it is using C2 and C2 is now light grey. Any component using light grey will become "shade brand 1".

Accessibility considerations

Before setting the colours for your website, make sure that your colours follow the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility guidelines for optimal readability and inclusivity.

Font selection

You can control the fonts of your website under the "fonts" tab in the design node. Learn how to set the fonts and typography for your site.

Govstack provides access to all Google fonts, and if you have an active Adobe licence, the Adobe Fonts library.

Here are some tips for font selection:

  • Avoid using system fonts to ensure consistency and cross-platform compatibility
  • Every font weight and style option needs to be added to this section so it is available to use in the Typography selection
  • For every normal font-style with a specific font-weight, include the matching italic style if available

Once you've selected your fonts, you can move onto the typography section. From here, you'll be able to define various text styles, including, font, line height, letter spacing, text transform and responsive sizing style for each style in Govstack:

  • Body text
  • Headings (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6) - heading 6 should be 2px larger than the body text and each heading after needs to be 2px larger than the heading before
  • Style headings - small, medium, large
  • Secondary headings - small, medium, large
  • Introduction text - small, medium, large
  • Blockquotes - small, medium, large
  • Buttons - small, medium, large
  • Main navigation
  • Secondary navigation
  • Navigation dropdowns
  • Sub navigation (font should be 400 as links will be bolded automatically as needed)
  • Footer navigation
  • Breadcrumb navigation (font weight should be 400 as links will be bolded automatically as needed)
  • Anchor navigation
  • Accordion and tab navigation

Button corner styles

You can customize the corner styles of buttons in the design node under the "spacing" tab by navigating to:

  • Spacing>Buttons>Borders>Radius
  • From here, you can choose one of the following button corner options

To create a button with square edges, you need to set the radius to "0."

To create a button with rounded corners, set the radius between 1 and 10.

If you'd like to create a fully-rounded, pill-shaped button, you need to set the radius above 20.

Pro tip: use the same style across your site

To help with content navigation, we recommend choosing one button style and using that style across the entire website. This creates a more consistent look and feel. 

Content corner styles

You can customize the corner styles of certain content components in the design node under the "spacing" tab by navigating to:

  • Spacing > General > Borders > Radius
  • From here, select one of the following options

If you'd like to create content components with square edges, set the radius to "0".

If you'd like content components to have rounded corners, set the radius between 1 and 10.

Pro tip: use the same style across your site

It is best to choose one style for content corners and use that across your entire site. This will give your website a more consistent design. 

Photo and icon optimization

You can batch upload all files under the Media folder. Learn how to optimize photographs and icons.

We recommend saving icons in SVG format to maintain scalability and clarity at any size. 

Icon library

To match the provided icon library, you need to:

  • Create a 70px-by-70px artboard with a transparent background.
  • Use 2.5 stroke for the outline and size appropriately within the artboard.
  • Once sized, convert the outline to paths and centre the icon horizontally and vertically.
  • Then, save as an SVG.

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