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Outbound Links

Govstack lets you create outbound links to outside websites in your web page sub navigation menu.

The sub navigation menu appears down the left or right side of your webpage and its content is pulled automatically from the content tree. You may want to display a link to an outside website in this menu. To do this you can add an outbound menu link to the content tree.

Outbound menu links will appear in your website sitemap as well as the sitemap component.

Add an outbound link

To create an outbound link, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the 'Content' section in Govstack’s back office. Your user account will need permission to create new nodes.
  2. Right click the parent node that will contain your outbound link. Note that you cannot create outbound links under the 'Home' node. They will need to be nested at least one menu level down.
  3. Select 'Create'
  4. Select 'Outbound Link'
  5. At the top of the new page, in the 'Enter a name' field, add the name of the outbound link. This will be the label that appears in the sub navigation menu.
  6. Enter the target URL for the external web site, including the http: or https:
  7. Set the 'Open in New Tab' slider as required
  8. Select 'Save and Publish' to complete the process

Pro tip: When to use outbound links

We recommend using outbound menu links sparingly in your website menu. This can be a jarring experience for users as they don't expect to leave your website when they select a menu option. You can use an outbound menu link when linking to:

  • An online form
  • An event calendar
  • A clone page
  • A partner website (e.g., Library site, Tourism site, Economic Development site, etc.)

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