Learning Centre
Secure Pages / Intranets
Depending on your Govstack plan, you may have the ability to create password-protected or secure pages.
Govstack lets you create password protected pages that only members in specified member groups can access. Learn how to create member groups and member-only content to hide, protect or direct content to the right users.
You can also use your Govstack SSO to create intranets, where your team can login to secure pages using their organization login credentials. Note that this option requires additional setup by GHD Digital. If you would like to add intranets to your website please contact your GHD Digital account manager.
Secure Pages Step by Step
To create a secure page or pages on your website follow these steps in order.
- Create a members group that will have access to your secure pages
- Create the structure and pages of the secured area in the content tree. Do not secure these pages yet
- Create blank pages for the member login, password reset request, password reset, and error pages. If your website has multiple secure page areas for multiple members groups they will need a separate instance of these pages for each secure page section. Multiple secure page areas can share the same error page. These pages should NOT be inside the secure pages section
- If your secure pages have the ability for users to self-register you will also need to create a blank registration page. Intranets using SSO sign in do not need registration pages
- Once all blank pages are created you can add the password protection to your secured pages. Do not secure the member login, password reset request, password reset, registration, or error pages
- Follow the instructions provided to add the content to your member login, password reset request, password reset, registration, and error pages. If the instruction include creating a new page use you blank page instead
Create a member group and add members
Learn how to create a member group that can have exclusive access to certain areas of your website and add members to the group.
You can add members manually or create a registration form to allow members to register themselves.
Create member-only password-protected content
You can create password-protected content in your Govstack CMS that only members in assigned member groups are able to view. You can also set up navigation for member-only content.
Member login and password resetting
Create a login page where members can sign in to view password-protected content on your website.
Learn how to create a password reset and reset request form for members who have forgotten their passwords.
Error messages for non-member users
Set up an error message page that displays when a logged-in member tries to view a password-protected page which they have not been given access to.
Add secure files
Learn how to secure files so sensitive documents aren't available on the public website or accessible through search engines.
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