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Create a Member Group

You can create a member group in your Govstack CMS to give its members exclusive access to certain areas of your website content. Once a group is created you can add members manually or have them use a registration page to add themselves.

You need to have access to the 'Members' tab in the Govstack CMS main menu and be assigned to the "Sensitive data" user group in order to view and create member groups and add members to them.

If you have the option to use secure pages to create an intranet then you should find a pre-created group in the Members tab call 'SSO Members'. This represents users that can login to secure pages using their organization credentials. A member is added to this group automatically when they use their SSO credentials to login to a secure page. Note that members of this group can be added to additional groups to expand their access.

Note that SSO login for intranets is an addon feature. For more information please contact your GHD Digital account manager.

Create a member group

To create a new member group in your Govstack CMS, you need to:

  1. Select the 'Members' tab from the Govstack back office main menu
  2. Next to the 'Member Groups' folder, select the three dots '...' then select 'Create'
  3. Enter a name for the new member group
  4. Select 'Save'

The member group will now be available to assign to specific areas of your website and will be able to accept members, either added manually or through self-registration.

Add a member to a member group

Before you can add someone to a member group, you first need to add them as a Govstack CMS member.

To add a member to a member group so they can view member-only content for that group, you need to:

  1. Select the 'Members' tab from the Govstack main menu
  2. Next to the 'Members' folder, select the three dots '...' then select 'Member' under 'Create a new member'
  3. Under the 'Content' tab, enter the user's name
  4. Under the  'Member' tab, enter the user's login username and email address (they may both be the user's email address)
  5. Add a password that the user will have to use to view member-only content assigned to their user group
  6. Next to 'Member Group', select 'Add' to assign the user to a member group
  7. Select the member group you want to add the user to, then click 'Submit'
  8. Select 'Save' to save the new group member