Add and edit group users
After creating a user permissions group in your Govstack CMS, you can add users to that group to assign them the permissions defined by that group. You can also remove users if they no longer require the group permissions.
Users can be part of multiple user groups. Users who have permissions that overlap or conflict will have the highest level of access provided by any of their user groups.
Please note that all users are assigned to either the Editor or Website Administrator user group on login. Given this, you may want to modify the Editor permissions so that they don't interfere with any of your custom groups.
Before you can add a user to a group, they need to already be added as a CMS user. Learn how to add a Govstack CMS user before adding them to a user group.
To add a user to an existing user group, you need to:
- Navigate to the Govstack CMS from your Govstack dashboard
- Select the 'Users' tab from the Govstack main menu. This will only be available to website administrators.
- Select 'Users' in the left column of the interface. Note that you may see 2 users entries. You are looking for the one accompanied by an icon.
- Select the 'Groups' tab at the upper right of the interface
- Select the name of the group you want to add a user to
- Under 'Users' at the right of the interface, scroll to the bottom of the list of existing users and select 'Add'
- Type in the name of the user you want to add to the group
- Select the name(s) of the user(s) you want to add, then click 'Submit'
Edit user group permissions
To edit the permissions of a specific user group in your Govstack CMS, you need to:
- Navigate to the Govstack CMS from your Govstack dashboard
- Select the 'Users' tab from the Govstack main menu
- Select 'Users' in the left column of the interface. Note that you may see 2 users entries. You are looking for the one accompanied by an icon.
- Select the 'Groups' tab at the upper right of the interface
- Select the name of the user group you want to edit permissions for
- Add, edit or remove the permissions you want
- Click 'Save' to complete the process