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Requesting Page Approval

Once a workflow has been added to a content node in your Govstack Content Management System, you will need to request approval to publish the page or other website element.

Requesting page approval

To request publishing approval for a content node in your Govstack CMS, you need to:

  1. Select the target node in the content tree. This could be a web page, a news post, or almost anything that requires publishing.
  2. Select 'Request publish'. This option replaces the 'Save and publish' button that is usually present. Pages without a 'Request publish' option have not been assigned a workflow and can be published normally.
  3. Enter any comments or change notes in the 'Describe the changes' field. In some workflows this may be a required field. If so the remainder of the fields may be greyed out until a comment is entered.
  4. Set a publish and unpublish date if required
  5. Select the language variants of the page to be published
  6. Select 'Request publish'

Some workflows may send an email indicating you have requested publishing.

Once a request has been submitted, members of the approver groups will receive a notification of the request. As they go through the steps of approving the workflow you may receive additional emails detailing the status of the process. You can also monitor the status of the approval process by returning to the 'Workflow' app at any time.


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